
8mm Memorial Band Custom Embossed with Cremation Ashes

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Silver made in 10-12 weeks. Gold made in 6-8 weeks. Christmas ordering deadline: November 1st

A simple 8mm band embossed with cremation ashes from your loved one, or a mix of cremation ashes layered over a layer of Island sand. A beautiful way to celebrate your loved one, and to keep their memory close. 



We need only a very small quantity of cremation ashes to texture and emboss the metal, approximately 2 teaspoons per ring. 

After you have purchased this item through the website, you may drop your ashes off at the shop (142 Richmond Street, Charlottetown) or mail them with a note including your order number and name, and we will use them to create your custom ring for you. We ask that you only bring or send the 2 teaspoons of ashes needed for the process, and to package them in either a ziploc bag or small pill vial clearly labelled with your name and order number.

Please note that a portion of the ashes will be lost in the creation of your ring. We do our very best to retrieve and return any portion of the ashes that have not been used in the embossing process.


Mail to:


142 Richmond Street 
Charlottetown, PE 
C1A 1H9 


8mm wide band